Jai Salsbery | E-RYT 500

Introduced to yoga in 1999 at Breitenbush Hotsprings retreat and conference center, Jai integrated the teachings into life and became a teacher himself in 2018. Jai now holds teaching certifications in Hatha, Vinyasa, Pranayama, Yin, Yoga Nidra, and Aerial Yoga. As of this writing, he has +2500 teaching hours and serves as primary tracher at Vallarta Breeze Yoga in Puerto Vallarta Mexico.

Yoga Sutra 2.5: Anitya ashuchi dukha anatmasu nitya shuchi sukha atmakhyatir avidya

Yoga Sutra 2.5 Anitya ashuchi dukha anatmasu nitya shuchi sukha atmakhyatir avidya Summary Yoga Sutra 2.5 states: “Anitya ashuchi dukha anatmasu nitya shuchi sukha atmakhyatir avidya.” This sutra defines avidya (ignorance) as the misperception that impermanent, impure, painful, and non-self aspects of existence are permanent, pure, pleasurable, and the true self. Analysis Anitya Translation: Impermanent. […]

Yoga Sutra 2.5: Anitya ashuchi dukha anatmasu nitya shuchi sukha atmakhyatir avidya Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 2.4: Avidya kshetram uttaresam prasupta tanu vicchinna udaranam

Yoga Sutra 2.4 Avidya kshetram uttaresam prasupta tanu vicchinna udaranam Summary Yoga Sutra 2.4 states: “Avidya kshetram uttaresam prasupta tanu vicchinna udaranam.” This sutra explains that ignorance (avidya) is the field in which all other kleshas (afflictions) grow, whether they are dormant, weak, intermittent, or fully active. Analysis Avidya Translation: Ignorance. Meaning: Avidya is the

Yoga Sutra 2.4: Avidya kshetram uttaresam prasupta tanu vicchinna udaranam Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 2.3: Avidya asmita raga dvesha abhiniveshah pancha klesha

Yoga Sutra 2.3 Avidya asmita raga dvesha abhiniveshah pancha klesha SummaryYoga Sutra 2.3 states: “Avidya asmita raga dvesha abhiniveshah pancha klesha.” This sutra identifies the five kleshas (afflictions) that are the root causes of human suffering and obstacles in the path of spiritual growth. Analysis Avidya Translation: Ignorance. Meaning: Avidya is the fundamental ignorance or

Yoga Sutra 2.3: Avidya asmita raga dvesha abhiniveshah pancha klesha Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 2.2: Samadhi bhavana arthah klesha tanu karanarthah cha

Yoga Sutra 2.2 Samadhi bhavana arthah klesha tanu karanarthah cha Summary Yoga Sutra 2.2 states: “Samadhi bhavana arthah klesha tanu karanarthah cha.” This sutra highlights the dual purposes of yoga practice: to cultivate a state of samadhi (deep meditative absorption) and to attenuate the afflictions or obstacles (kleshas) that hinder spiritual progress. Analysis Samadhi Bhavana

Yoga Sutra 2.2: Samadhi bhavana arthah klesha tanu karanarthah cha Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 2.1: Tapas svadhyaya Ishvara pranidhanani kriya yogah

Yoga Sutra 2.1 Tapas svadhyaya Ishvara pranidhanani kriya yogah Summary Yoga Sutra 2.1 states: “Tapas svadhyaya Ishvara pranidhanani kriya yogah.” This sutra outlines the practice of Kriya Yoga, which includes discipline (tapas), self-study (svadhyaya), and devotion to the divine (Ishvara pranidhana). Analysis: Tapas: Translation: Literally means “heat” or “austerity”. Meaning: Tapas refers to disciplined practices

Yoga Sutra 2.1: Tapas svadhyaya Ishvara pranidhanani kriya yogah Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 1.51: tasyāpi nirodhe sarva-nirodhān nirbījaḥ samādhiḥ

Yoga Sutra 1.51 tasyāpi nirodhe sarva-nirodhān nirbījaḥ samādhiḥ Summary Yoga Sutra 1.51, “tasyāpi nirodhe sarva-nirodhān nirbījaḥ samādhiḥ,” translates to “Upon the cessation of even these impressions, seedless samadhi is attained.” This Sutra describes the ultimate state of meditation where all mental impressions are dissolved, leading to a state of pure consciousness. Analysis of the Sutra

Yoga Sutra 1.51: tasyāpi nirodhe sarva-nirodhān nirbījaḥ samādhiḥ Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 1.50: tajjaḥ saṃskāro’nya-saṃskāra-pratibandhī

Yoga Sutra 1.50 tajjaḥ saṃskāro’nya-saṃskāra-pratibandhī Summary Yoga Sutra 1.50, “tajjaḥ saṃskāro’nya-saṃskāra-pratibandhī,” translates to “The impressions produced by this wisdom prevent other impressions from arising.” This Sutra highlights the transformative power of higher wisdom in overriding and neutralizing previous mental impressions or samskaras. Analysis of the Sutra tajjaḥ (Produced by This): “Tajjaḥ” refers to the impressions

Yoga Sutra 1.50: tajjaḥ saṃskāro’nya-saṃskāra-pratibandhī Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 1.49: śruta-anumāna-prajñābhyām anya-viṣayā viśeṣārthatvāt

Yoga Sutra 1.49 śruta-anumāna-prajñābhyām anya-viṣayā viśeṣārthatvāt Summary Yoga Sutra 1.49, “śruta-anumāna-prajñābhyām anya-viṣayā viśeṣārthatvāt,” translates to “This wisdom is distinct from and beyond the insights gained from hearing or inference.” This Sutra emphasizes the unique and superior nature of direct intuitive knowledge compared to knowledge acquired through traditional means. Analysis of the Sutra śruta (Hearing): “śruta”

Yoga Sutra 1.49: śruta-anumāna-prajñābhyām anya-viṣayā viśeṣārthatvāt Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 1.48: ṛtambharā tatra prajñā

Yoga Sutra 1.48 ṛtambharā tatra prajñā Summary Yoga Sutra 1.48, “ṛtambharā tatra prajñā,” translates to “Therein lies the wisdom filled with truth.” This Sutra highlights the attainment of a state of consciousness where the mind is filled with intuitive wisdom that aligns with the fundamental truth of existence. Analysis of the Sutra ṛtambharā (Filled with

Yoga Sutra 1.48: ṛtambharā tatra prajñā Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 1.47: Nirvichara-vaisharadye ‘dhyatma-prasadah

Yoga Sutra 1.47 Nirvichara-vaisharadye ‘dhyatma-prasadah Summary Yoga Sutra 1.47, “Nirvichara-vaisharadye ‘dhyatma-prasadah,” translates to “Upon attaining clarity in Nirvichara Samadhi, there is the grace of the inner self.” This Sutra highlights the profound inner clarity and grace that arise from deep, uninterrupted meditation. Analysis of the Sutra Nirvichara (Without Inquiry): “Nirvichara” refers to a state of

Yoga Sutra 1.47: Nirvichara-vaisharadye ‘dhyatma-prasadah Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 1.46: Tā eva sabījaḥ samādhiḥ

Yoga Sutra 1.46 Tā eva sabījaḥ samādhiḥ Summary Yoga Sutra 1.46, “Tā eva sabījaḥ samādhiḥ,” translates to “These (states) are with seed (sabīja) samādhi.” This Sutra explains that the meditative states discussed previously are still associated with seeds of mental impressions and are not the final stage of samādhi. Analysis of the Sutra Tā eva

Yoga Sutra 1.46: Tā eva sabījaḥ samādhiḥ Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 1.45: sūkṣma-viṣayatvaṁ cāliṅga-paryavasānam

Yoga Sutra 1.45 sūkṣma-viṣayatvaṁ cāliṅga-paryavasānam Summary Yoga Sutra 1.45, “sūkṣma-viṣayatvaṁ cāliṅga-paryavasānam,” translates to “The subtlety of objects extends up to the unmanifest.” This Sutra describes the depth of meditation, where the focus can penetrate the subtlest levels of existence, reaching the unmanifested state. Analysis of the Sutra sūkṣma-viṣayatvaṁ (Subtlety of Objects): “Sūkṣma-viṣayatvaṁ” refers to the

Yoga Sutra 1.45: sūkṣma-viṣayatvaṁ cāliṅga-paryavasānam Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 1.44: Etayaiva savicārā nirvicārā ca sūkṣma-viṣayā vyākhyātā

Yoga Sutra 1.44 Etayaiva savicārā nirvicārā ca sūkṣma-viṣayā vyākhyātā Summary Yoga Sutra 1.44, “Etayaiva savicārā nirvicārā ca sūkṣma-viṣayā vyākhyātā,” translates to “By this (preceding explanation), the deliberative (savichara) and non-deliberative (nirvichara) meditations on subtle objects are also explained.” This Sutra elaborates on the deeper states of meditative absorption involving subtle objects. Analysis of the Sutra

Yoga Sutra 1.44: Etayaiva savicārā nirvicārā ca sūkṣma-viṣayā vyākhyātā Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 1.43: Smṛti-pariśuddhau svarūpa-śūnye vārtha-mātra-nirbhāsā nirvitarkā

Yoga Sutra 1.43 Smṛti-pariśuddhau svarūpa-śūnye vārtha-mātra-nirbhāsā nirvitarkā Summary Yoga Sutra 1.43, “Smṛti-pariśuddhau svarūpa-śūnye vārtha-mātra-nirbhāsā nirvitarkā,” translates to “When the memory is purified, the mind appears to be devoid of its own nature and only the object of meditation shines forth, this is nirvitarkā samāpatti (non-deliberative absorption).” This Sutra describes a state of meditation where the

Yoga Sutra 1.43: Smṛti-pariśuddhau svarūpa-śūnye vārtha-mātra-nirbhāsā nirvitarkā Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 1.42: Tatra śabdārtha-jñāna-vikalpaiḥ saṅkīrṇā savitarkā samāpattiḥ

Yoga Sutra 1.42 Tatra śabdārtha-jñāna-vikalpaiḥ saṅkīrṇā savitarkā samāpattiḥ Summary Yoga Sutra 1.42, “Tatra śabdārtha-jñāna-vikalpaiḥ saṅkīrṇā savitarkā samāpattiḥ,” translates to “In this state, the mind is mixed with word, meaning, and knowledge, leading to savitarkā samāpatti (deliberative absorption).” This Sutra describes a meditative state where the mind engages in a deliberative process involving words, their meanings,

Yoga Sutra 1.42: Tatra śabdārtha-jñāna-vikalpaiḥ saṅkīrṇā savitarkā samāpattiḥ Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 1.41: Kṣīṇa-vṛttir abhijātasyeva maṇer grahītṛ-grahaṇa-grāhyeṣu tat-stha-tad-añjanatā samāpattiḥ

Yoga Sutra 1.41 Kṣīṇa-vṛttir abhijātasyeva maṇer grahītṛ-grahaṇa-grāhyeṣu tat-stha-tad-añjanatā samāpattiḥ Summary Yoga Sutra 1.41, “Kṣīṇa-vṛttir abhijātasyeva maṇer grahītṛ-grahaṇa-grāhyeṣu tat-stha-tad-añjanatā samāpattiḥ,” translates to “When the mind, free from distractions, becomes as clear as a crystal, it attains the ability to reflect the perceiver, the process of perception, and the object perceived.” This Sutra describes the state of

Yoga Sutra 1.41: Kṣīṇa-vṛttir abhijātasyeva maṇer grahītṛ-grahaṇa-grāhyeṣu tat-stha-tad-añjanatā samāpattiḥ Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 1.40: Paramāṇu Paramamahattvānto’sya Vaśīkāraḥ

Yoga Sutra 1.40 Paramāṇu Paramamahattvānto’sya Vaśīkāraḥ Summary Yoga Sutra 1.40, “Paramāṇu Paramamahattvānto’sya Vaśīkāraḥ,” translates to “His mastery extends from the smallest atom to the greatest magnitude.” This Sutra highlights the yogi’s ability to achieve mental mastery over both the minutest and the most expansive objects through meditation. Analysis of the Sutra Paramāṇu (Smallest Atom): “Paramāṇu”

Yoga Sutra 1.40: Paramāṇu Paramamahattvānto’sya Vaśīkāraḥ Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 1.39: Yathābhimata-Dhyānād-Vā

Yoga Sutra 1.39 Yathābhimata-Dhyānād-Vā Summary Yoga Sutra 1.39, “Yathābhimata-Dhyānād-Vā,” translates to “Or by meditating on anything that one finds elevating.” This Sutra suggests that mental stability and focus can be achieved by meditating on any object or concept that resonates deeply with the individual. Analysis of the Sutra Yathābhimata (Anything One Finds Elevating): “Yathābhimata” means

Yoga Sutra 1.39: Yathābhimata-Dhyānād-Vā Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 1.38: Svapna-Nidra-Jnana Alambanam Va

Yoga Sutra 1.38 Svapna-Nidra-Jnana Alambanam Va Summary Yoga Sutra 1.38, “Svapna-Nidra-Jnana Alambanam Va,” translates to “Or by meditating on the knowledge that comes in sleep.” This Sutra suggests that insight and mental stability can be achieved by focusing on the knowledge and experiences derived from dreams and deep sleep. Analysis of the Sutra Svapna (Dreams):

Yoga Sutra 1.38: Svapna-Nidra-Jnana Alambanam Va Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 1.37: Vītarāga Viṣayam Vā Cittam

Yoga Sutra 1.37 Vītarāga Viṣayam Vā Cittam Summary Yoga Sutra 1.37, “Vītarāga Viṣayam Vā Cittam,” translates to “Or by meditating on a mind that is free from attachment to sense objects.” This Sutra suggests that mental stability can be achieved by focusing on a state of detachment from sensory experiences. Analysis of the Sutra Vītarāga

Yoga Sutra 1.37: Vītarāga Viṣayam Vā Cittam Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 1.35: Viṣayavatī Vā Pravṛttirutpannā Manasaḥ Sthitinibandhinī

Yoga Sutra 1.35 Viṣayavatī Vā Pravṛttirutpannā Manasaḥ Sthitinibandhinī Summary Yoga Sutra 1.35, “Viṣayavatī Vā Pravṛttirutpannā Manasaḥ Sthitinibandhinī,” translates to “Or that calm is retained by focusing on subtle sense perceptions.” This Sutra emphasizes the use of sensory focus to achieve mental stability and tranquility. Analysis of the Sutra Viṣayavatī (Subtle Sense Perceptions): “Viṣayavatī” refers to

Yoga Sutra 1.35: Viṣayavatī Vā Pravṛttirutpannā Manasaḥ Sthitinibandhinī Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 1.34: Pracchardana Vidhāraṇa Abhyām Vā Prāṇasya

Yoga Sutra 1.34 Pracchardana Vidhāraṇa Abhyām Vā Prāṇasya Summary Yoga Sutra 1.34, “Pracchardana Vidhāraṇa Abhyām Vā Prāṇasya,” translates to “Or that calm is retained by the controlled exhalation or retention of the breath.” This Sutra emphasizes the importance of breath control (pranayama) in achieving mental clarity and calmness. Analysis of the Sutra Pracchardana (Exhalation): “Pracchardana”

Yoga Sutra 1.34: Pracchardana Vidhāraṇa Abhyām Vā Prāṇasya Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 1.33: Maitri Karuna Muditopekshanam Sukha Dukha Punya Apunya Vishayanam Bhavanatah Chitta Prasadanam

Yoga Sutra 1.33 Maitri Karuna Muditopekshanam Sukha Dukha Punya Apunya Vishayanam Bhavanatah Chitta Prasadanam Summary Yoga Sutra 1.33, “Maitri Karuna Muditopekshanam Sukha Dukha Punya Apunya Vishayanam Bhavanatah Chitta Prasadanam,” translates to “By cultivating attitudes of friendliness toward the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous, and equanimity toward the wicked, the mind retains

Yoga Sutra 1.33: Maitri Karuna Muditopekshanam Sukha Dukha Punya Apunya Vishayanam Bhavanatah Chitta Prasadanam Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 1.32: Tat-pratiṣedhārtham Eka-tattvābhyāsaḥ

Yoga Sutra 1.32 Tat-pratiṣedhārtham Eka-tattvābhyāsaḥ Summary Yoga Sutra 1.32, “Tat-pratiṣedhārtham Eka-tattvābhyāsaḥ,” translates to “For the prevention of these obstacles, one should practice concentration on a single principle.” This Sutra emphasizes the importance of focused practice to overcome distractions and obstacles on the path of yoga. Analysis of the Sutra Tat-pratiṣedhārtham (For the Prevention of These

Yoga Sutra 1.32: Tat-pratiṣedhārtham Eka-tattvābhyāsaḥ Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 1.31: Duḥkha Daurmanasya Aṅgamejayatva Śvāsa Praśvāsāḥ Vikṣepa Sahabhuvaḥ

Yoga Sutra 1.31 Duḥkha Daurmanasya Aṅgamejayatva Śvāsa Praśvāsāḥ Vikṣepa Sahabhuvaḥ Summary Yoga Sutra 1.31, “Duḥkha Daurmanasya Aṅgamejayatva Śvāsa Praśvāsāḥ Vikṣepa Sahabhuvaḥ,” translates to “Suffering, negative thinking, unsteadiness in the body, and irregular breathing accompany the distractions.” This Sutra describes the symptoms that arise when the mind is distracted and unable to maintain concentration. Analysis of

Yoga Sutra 1.31: Duḥkha Daurmanasya Aṅgamejayatva Śvāsa Praśvāsāḥ Vikṣepa Sahabhuvaḥ Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 1.30: Vyadhi Styana Samsaya Pramada Alasya Avirati Bhranti-darsana Alabdha-bhumikatva Anavasthitatvani Citta-viksepas Te Antarayah

Yoga Sutra 1.30 Vyadhi Styana Samshaya Pramada Alasya Avirati Bhrantidarshana Alabdhabhumikatva Anavasthitatvani Chitta Viksepas Te Antarayah Summary Yoga Sutra 1.30, “Vyadhi Styana Samshaya Pramada Alasya Avirati Bhrantidarshana Alabdhabhumikatva Anavasthitatvani Chitta Viksepas Te Antarayah,” translates to “Disease, mental laziness, doubt, carelessness, laziness, sensuality, false perception, failure to reach firm ground, and slipping from the ground gained—these

Yoga Sutra 1.30: Vyadhi Styana Samsaya Pramada Alasya Avirati Bhranti-darsana Alabdha-bhumikatva Anavasthitatvani Citta-viksepas Te Antarayah Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 1.29: Tatah Pratyak Cetanadhigamo’py Antaraya-abhavas ca

Yoga Sutra 1.29 Tatah Pratyak Cetanadhigamo’py Antaraya-abhavas ca Summary Yoga Sutra 1.29, “Tatah Pratyak Cetanadhigamo’py Antaraya-abhavas ca,” translates to “From that (practice), the attainment of inward consciousness and the removal of obstacles.” This Sutra emphasizes the transformative power of meditative practices, particularly the chanting of Om, in achieving inner awareness and overcoming hindrances. Analysis of

Yoga Sutra 1.29: Tatah Pratyak Cetanadhigamo’py Antaraya-abhavas ca Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 1.28: Tat Japah Tadartha Bhavanam

Yoga Sutra 1.28 Tat Japah Tadartha Bhavanam Summary Yoga Sutra 1.28, “Tat Japah Tadartha Bhavanam,” translates to “Its repetition and contemplation of its meaning.” This Sutra emphasizes the importance of continuously chanting the sacred syllable Om and meditating on its significance. Analysis of the Sutra Tat (Its): “Tat” refers to the sacred syllable Om, which

Yoga Sutra 1.28: Tat Japah Tadartha Bhavanam Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 1.27: Tasya Vācakaḥ Praṇavaḥ

Yoga Sutra 1.27 Tasya Vācakaḥ Praṇavaḥ Summary Yoga Sutra 1.27, “Tasya Vācakaḥ Praṇavaḥ,” translates to “His expression is the sacred syllable Om.” This Sutra identifies Om (Aum) as the verbal symbol representing Ishvara, the Supreme Being. Analysis of the Sutra Tasya (His): “Tasya” refers to Ishvara, the Supreme Being. This indicates that the qualities being

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