
Yoga Sutra 2.29: Yama Niyama Asana Pranayama Pratyahara Dharana Dhyana Samadhayo Ashtau Angani

Yoga Sutra 2.29: Yama Niyama Asana Pranayama Pratyahara Dharana Dhyana Samadhayo Ashtau Angani

Yoga Sutra 2.29: Yama Niyama Asana Pranayama Pratyahara Dharana Dhyana Samadhayo Ashtau Angani Summary Yoga Sutra 2.29 states: “Yama niyama asana pranayama pratyahara dharana dhyana samadhayo ashtau angani.” This sutra outlines the eight limbs of yoga, which are essential components of the practice. Analysis Yama Translation: Ethical restraints. Meaning: Yamas are moral guidelines for how […]

Yoga Sutra 2.29: Yama Niyama Asana Pranayama Pratyahara Dharana Dhyana Samadhayo Ashtau Angani Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 2.28: Yoganganusthanad Ashuddhi Kshaye Jnana Diptih A Viveka Khyateh

Yoga Sutra 2.28: Yoganganusthanad Ashuddhi Kshaye Jnana Diptih A Viveka Khyateh

Yoga Sutra 2.28: Yoganganusthanad Ashuddhi Kshaye Jnana Diptih A Viveka Khyateh Summary Yoga Sutra 2.28 states: “Yoganganusthanad ashuddhi kshaye jnana diptih a viveka khyateh.” This sutra explains that by practicing the limbs of yoga (yoganganusthanad), impurities are destroyed (ashuddhi kshaye), leading to the light of knowledge (jnana diptih) and discernment (viveka khyati). Analysis Yoganganusthanad Translation:

Yoga Sutra 2.28: Yoganganusthanad Ashuddhi Kshaye Jnana Diptih A Viveka Khyateh Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 2.27: Tasya Saptadha Pranta-Bhumih Prajna

Yoga Sutra 2.27: Tasya Saptadha Pranta-Bhumih Prajna

Yoga Sutra 2.27: Tasya Saptadha Pranta-Bhumih Prajna Summary Yoga Sutra 2.27 states: “Tasya saptadha pranta-bhumih prajna.” This sutra explains that for the one who has attained discrimination (tasya), wisdom (prajna) appears in seven stages (saptadha pranta-bhumih). Analysis Tasya Translation: For the one who. Meaning: Tasya refers to the individual who has attained clear discernment or

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Yoga Sutra 2.26: Viveka-Khyatir Aviplava Hanopayah

Yoga Sutra 2.26: Viveka-Khyatir Aviplava Hanopayah

Yoga Sutra 2.26: Viveka-Khyatir Aviplava Hanopayah Summary Yoga Sutra 2.26 states: “Viveka-khyatir aviplava hanopayah.” This sutra explains that the means (upayah) of eliminating (hana) ignorance (avidya) is the unwavering (aviplava) discernment (viveka-khyati) between the seer (purusha) and the seen (prakriti). Analysis Viveka-Khyati Translation: Discernment or discrimination. Meaning: Viveka-Khyati refers to the clear and unwavering discernment

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Yoga Sutra 2.25: Tadabhavat Samyogabhavo Hanam Tadrisheh Kaivalyam

Yoga Sutra 2.25: Tadabhavat Samyogabhavo Hanam Tadrisheh Kaivalyam

Yoga Sutra 2.25: Tadabhavat Samyogabhavo Hanam Tadrisheh Kaivalyam Summary Yoga Sutra 2.25 states: “Tadabhavat samyogabhavo hanam tadrisheh kaivalyam.” This sutra explains that the absence (abhavat) of ignorance (avidya) results in the dissolution (abhavo) of the union (samyoga) between the seer (purusha) and the seen (prakriti), leading to liberation (kaivalyam). Analysis Tadabhavat Translation: In the absence

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Yoga Sutra 2.23: Sva-svami-shaktyoh svarupa-upalabdhi-hetuh samyogah

Yoga Sutra 2.23: Sva-svami-shaktyoh svarupa-upalabdhi-hetuh samyogah

Yoga Sutra 2.23: Sva-svami-shaktyoh svarupa-upalabdhi-hetuh samyogah Summary Yoga Sutra 2.23 states: “Sva-svami-shaktyoh svarupa-upalabdhi-hetuh samyogah.” This sutra explains that the union (samyogah) of the seer and the seen occurs for the recognition of the true nature of both. Analysis Sva Translation: The self. Meaning: Sva refers to the individual self or pure consciousness, the eternal, unchanging

Yoga Sutra 2.23: Sva-svami-shaktyoh svarupa-upalabdhi-hetuh samyogah Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 2.22: Krittartham Prati Nashtam Api Anashtam Tad-anya Sadharanatvat

Yoga Sutra 2.22: Krittartham Prati Nashtam Api Anashtam Tad-anya Sadharanatvat

Yoga Sutra 2.22 Krittartham Prati Nashtam Api Anashtam Tad-anya Sadharanatvat Summary Yoga Sutra 2.22 states: “Krittartham prati nashtam api anashtam tad-anya sadharanatvat.” This sutra explains that for one who has achieved the purpose of the seen, the seen ceases to exist, yet it does not disappear completely as it still exists for others. Analysis Krittartham

Yoga Sutra 2.22: Krittartham Prati Nashtam Api Anashtam Tad-anya Sadharanatvat Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 2.21: Tad-artha eva drishyasya atma

Yoga Sutra 2.21: Tad-artha eva drishyasya atma

Yoga Sutra 2.21 Tad-artha eva drishyasya atma Summary Yoga Sutra 2.21 states: “Tad-artha eva drishyasya atma.” This sutra explains that the existence of the seen (drishya) is solely for the purpose of the seer (atma). Analysis Tad-artha Translation: For the purpose of. Meaning: Tad-artha indicates that the existence and functioning of something are intended for

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Yoga, Rooftop, Vallarta Breeze Yoga, Puerto Vallarta Mexico.

Yoga Quickie Episode #26

Yoga Quickie Episode #26 We’ve got something special for you! In this quickie, we’re taking you to the uppermost level of the beautiful Vallarta Breeze Yoga Studio in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Imagine yourself surrounded by the lush jungle of the Sierra Madre mountains with the sparkling Banderas Bay in the distance—what a way to connect

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Video Previews

Curious about our teaching style? our Members area Video Content? Our studio in general? Here you’ll find a collection of video previews to binge on! The links below the videos will take you to the full versions – Enjoy! Book a Class Today! If you’re not into group classes, Jai’s private classes are transformative and

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Yoga Sutra 2.20: Drashta drishi matrah shuddhah api pratyaya anupashyah

Yoga Sutra 2.20 Drashta drishi matrah shuddhah api pratyaya anupashyah Summary Yoga Sutra 2.20 states: “Drashta drishi matrah shuddhah api pratyaya anupashyah.” This sutra explains that the seer (drashta) is pure consciousness (shuddhah) and only an observer, yet it sees through the mind’s modifications (pratyaya). Analysis Drashta Translation: The seer. Meaning: Drashta refers to the

Yoga Sutra 2.20: Drashta drishi matrah shuddhah api pratyaya anupashyah Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 2.19: Visheshavishesha lingamatralingani gunaparvani

Yoga Sutra 2.19 Visheshavishesha lingamatralingani gunaparvani Summary Yoga Sutra 2.19 states: “Visheshavishesha lingamatralingani gunaparvani.” This sutra explains that the stages of the gunas (qualities) are specific (vishesha), non-specific (avishesha), marked (linga), and unmarked (alinga). Analysis Vishesha Translation: Specific. Meaning: Vishesha refers to the distinct, particular manifestations of the gunas (qualities). These are the tangible, perceivable

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Yoga Sutra 2.18: Prakasha kriya sthiti shilam bhutendriyatmakam bhogapavargartham drishyam

Yoga Sutra 2.18 Prakasha kriya sthiti shilam bhutendriyatmakam bhogapavargartham drishyam Summary Yoga Sutra 2.18 states: “Prakasha kriya sthiti shilam bhutendriyatmakam bhogapavargartham drishyam.” This sutra explains that the seen (drishya) consists of the elements and sense organs, characterized by illumination (prakasha), activity (kriya), and stability (sthiti), and exists for the purposes of experience (bhoga) and liberation

Yoga Sutra 2.18: Prakasha kriya sthiti shilam bhutendriyatmakam bhogapavargartham drishyam Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 2.17: Drashtuh drishya yoho samyogah heya hetuh

Yoga Sutra 2.17 Drashtuh drishya yoho samyogah heya hetuh Summary Yoga Sutra 2.17 states: “Drashtuh drishya yoho samyogah heya hetuh.” This sutra explains that the cause of suffering is the association (samyogah) between the seer (drashtuh) and the seen (drishya). Analysis Drashtuh Translation: The seer. Meaning: Drashtuh refers to the true self or pure consciousness,

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Yoga Sutra 2.16: Heyam duhkham anagatam

Yoga Sutra 2.16 Heyam duhkham anagatam Summary Yoga Sutra 2.16 states: “Heyam duhkham anagatam.” This sutra means that future suffering is to be avoided. Analysis Heyam Translation: To be avoided. Meaning: Heyam indicates the action of preventing or eliminating something undesirable. In this context, it refers to the proactive avoidance of future suffering. Duhkham Translation:

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Yoga Sutra 2.15: Parinama tapa samskara duhkhaih guna vrittih virodhat cha duhkham eva sarvam vivekinah

Yoga Sutra 2.15 Parinama tapa samskara duhkhaih guna vrittih virodhat cha duhkham eva sarvam vivekinah Summary Yoga Sutra 2.15 states: “Parinama tapa samskara duhkhaih guna vrittih virodhat cha duhkham eva sarvam vivekinah.” This sutra explains that for the discerning person, all experiences are ultimately suffering due to the conflicts among the activities of the gunas

Yoga Sutra 2.15: Parinama tapa samskara duhkhaih guna vrittih virodhat cha duhkham eva sarvam vivekinah Read More »

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Yoga Sutra 2.14: Te hlada paritapa phalah punya apunya hetutvat

Yoga Sutra 2.14 Te hlada paritapa phalah punya apunya hetutvat Summary Yoga Sutra 2.14 states: “Te hlada paritapa phalah punya apunya hetutvat.” This sutra explains that the results of actions (karma) manifest as experiences of pleasure (hlada) and pain (paritapa) due to their virtuous (punya) or non-virtuous (apunya) nature. Analysis Te Translation: These. Meaning: Te

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Education Sutras Yoga

Yoga Sutra 2.12: Sanchita klesha mulah karmasayo drishta adrishta janma vedaniyah

Yoga Sutra 2.12 Sanchita klesha mulah karmasayo drishta adrishta janma vedaniyah Summary Yoga Sutra 2.12 states: “Sanchita klesha mulah karmasayo drishta adrishta janma vedaniyah.” This sutra explains that accumulated actions (karmasaya) rooted in afflictions (kleshas) manifest in visible and invisible births, bringing experiences in life. Analysis Sanchita Translation: Accumulated. Meaning: Sanchita refers to the accumulated

Yoga Sutra 2.12: Sanchita klesha mulah karmasayo drishta adrishta janma vedaniyah Read More »

Education Sutras Yoga

Yoga Sutra 2.11: Dhyana heyas tad vrittayah

Yoga Sutra 2.11 Dhyana heyas tad vrittayah Summary Yoga Sutra 2.11 states: “Dhyana heyas tad vrittayah.” This sutra explains that the mental modifications (vrittis) causing afflictions can be eliminated through meditation (dhyana). Analysis Dhyana Translation: Meditation. Meaning: Dhyana refers to the practice of focused meditation, where the mind is trained to concentrate on a single

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Education Sutras Yoga

Celebrating 6 Years of Vallarta Breeze Yoga: A New Chapter Begins

A Journey of Yoga and Community Six years ago, Vallarta Breeze Yoga was established with the vision of creating a welcoming sanctuary for yoga enthusiasts in Puerto Vallarta. From its inception, the studio has aimed to cultivate a vibrant and supportive community where people of all shapes, sizes and backgrounds can deepen their practice, enhance

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Blog Yoga
Simultaneous Virtual and Studio Yoga Class in The Vallarta Breeze Yoga Puerto Vallarta Yoga Studio

Yoga for Every-Body: Embracing Inclusivity in the Yoga Community

Yoga for Every-Body Embracing Inclusivity in the Yoga Community In recent years, yoga has seen a significant surge in popularity worldwide. Its profound benefits for both the mind and body have captivated millions, drawing diverse groups of people to the mat. However, a common misconception persists: that yoga is primarily for the young, the flexible,

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Sadhana Pada: The Path of Practice in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

Sadhana Pada The Path of Practice in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras The Sadhana Pada is the second chapter of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, a cornerstone text in the philosophy and practice of yoga. This chapter focuses on the practical aspects of yoga, laying out the steps and practices necessary for spiritual growth and self-realization. Comprised of 55

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Blog Education Sutras Yoga

Yoga Sutra 2.10: Te pratiprasava heyah sukshmah

Yoga Sutra 2.10 Te pratiprasava heyah sukshmah Summary Yoga Sutra 2.10 states: “Te pratiprasava heyah sukshmah.” This sutra explains that the subtle forms of the kleshas (afflictions) can be eliminated by tracing them back to their origin. Analysis Te Translation: These. Meaning: “Te” refers to the kleshas, which are the afflictions or obstacles that cause

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Education Sutras Yoga

Yoga Sutra 2.9: Sva-rasa-vahi vidushah api tatha rudho abhiniveshah

Yoga Sutra 2.9 Sva-rasa-vahi vidushah api tatha rudho abhiniveshah Summary Yoga Sutra 2.9 states: “Sva-rasa-vahi vidushah api tatha rudho abhiniveshah.” This sutra describes abhiniveshah (clinging to life or fear of death) as an intrinsic fear that persists even in the wise. Analysis Sva-rasa-vahi Translation: Flowing through its own nature. Meaning: Sva-rasa-vahi indicates that this fear

Yoga Sutra 2.9: Sva-rasa-vahi vidushah api tatha rudho abhiniveshah Read More »

Education Sutras Yoga

Yoga Sutra 2.8 Dukha anu shayi dvesha

Yoga Sutra 2.8 Dukha anu shayi dvesha Summary Yoga Sutra 2.8 states: “Dukha anu shayi dvesha.” This sutra explains that dvesha (aversion) is the affliction that follows from experiences of pain (dukha). Analysis Dukha Translation: Pain. Meaning: Dukha refers to unpleasant experiences or sensations that cause suffering and discomfort. These can be physical, emotional, or

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Education Sutras Yoga

Yoga Sutra 2.7: Sukha anu shayi raga

Yoga Sutra 2.7 Sukha anu shayi raga Summary Yoga Sutra 2.7 states: “Sukha anu shayi raga.” This sutra explains that raga (attachment) is the affliction that follows from experiences of pleasure (sukha). Analysis Sukha Translation: Pleasure. Meaning: Sukha refers to pleasurable experiences or sensations. These can be physical, emotional, or mental pleasures that provide a

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Yoga Sutra 2.6: Drig darsana shaktyor eka atmata iva asmita

Yoga Sutra 2.6 Drig darsana shaktyor eka atmata iva asmita Summary Yoga Sutra 2.6 states: “Drig darsana shaktyor eka atmata iva asmita.” This sutra describes asmita (egoism) as the false identification of the seer (drig) with the instruments of seeing (darsana shaktyor), resulting in the mistaken belief that they are one and the same. Analysis

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