Yoga Sutra 2.6

Drig darsana shaktyor eka atmata iva asmita


Yoga Sutra 2.6 states: “Drig darsana shaktyor eka atmata iva asmita.” This sutra describes asmita (egoism) as the false identification of the seer (drig) with the instruments of seeing (darsana shaktyor), resulting in the mistaken belief that they are one and the same.



Translation: The seer.

Meaning: Drig refers to the true self or pure consciousness that observes and experiences reality.

Darsana Shaktyor

Translation: The instruments of seeing.

Meaning: Darsana shaktyor refers to the mind and senses, which are the tools or instruments through which the seer perceives the world.

Eka Atmata

Translation: The sense of oneness.

Meaning: Eka atmata implies the false sense of oneness or identification between the seer and the instruments of perception.


Translation: As if.

Meaning: Iva indicates that this identification is illusory or mistaken, not representing the true nature of reality.


Translation: Egoism.

Meaning: Asmita is the false identification of the self with the ego and the instruments of perception, leading to a distorted understanding of one’s true nature.

Significance of the Sutra

Yoga Sutra 2.6 is significant as it highlights the nature of asmita (egoism) and its role in distorting our perception of reality. By identifying and understanding this false identification, practitioners can work towards separating the true self (drig) from the instruments of perception (darsana shaktyor), thereby reducing egoism and moving closer to self-realization.

Common Interpretations

Traditional Interpretation

In traditional yoga teachings, this sutra emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between the true self and the instruments of perception. Practitioners are encouraged to cultivate awareness and discernment to see beyond the ego’s illusions. This understanding is seen as crucial for progressing on the path to spiritual liberation.

Modern Interpretation

In modern contexts, practitioners often interpret this sutra as a framework for understanding the role of ego in shaping their identity and experiences. Asmita might be seen as the identification with social roles, personal achievements, and external validation. Addressing this false identification is viewed as essential for achieving self-awareness, emotional resilience, and overall well-being.

Yoga Sutra 2.6 provides a profound insight into the nature of egoism and its impact on human perception and experience. Whether approached through traditional or modern lenses, its teachings offer valuable guidance for overcoming the distortions of ego and achieving a state of inner freedom and harmony.

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