Yoga Sutra 2.37:
Asteyapratishthayam Sarvaratnopasthanam
Yoga Sutra 2.37 states: “Asteyapratishthayam sarvaratnopasthanam.” This sutra explains that when a person is firmly established in non-stealing (asteya), all wealth comes to them.
- Translation: Non-stealing.
- Meaning: Asteya refers to the practice of not stealing or coveting what belongs to others. It encompasses not only refraining from taking physical objects but also avoiding the appropriation of others’ time, ideas, and energy.
- Translation: Firmly established.
- Meaning: Pratishthayam means being deeply rooted or unwavering in a particular practice or principle. In this context, it refers to being firmly established in the practice of non-stealing.
- Translation: All.
- Meaning: Sarva signifies everything or all.
- Translation: Wealth, jewels, or treasures.
- Meaning: Ratna refers to valuable treasures or wealth, symbolizing abundance in various forms.
- Translation: Approaches or comes near.
- Meaning: Upasthanam signifies that something comes near or is presented to a person.
Significance of the Sutra
Yoga Sutra 2.37 highlights the profound impact of practicing non-stealing (asteya). When an individual is truly established in asteya, they no longer seek to take what belongs to others. This creates an environment of trust and respect, leading to the natural attraction of wealth and abundance. The sutra suggests that by respecting others’ possessions and maintaining integrity, one becomes deserving of all forms of wealth.
Common Interpretations
Traditional Interpretation
In traditional yoga teachings, this sutra is interpreted as emphasizing the moral and ethical importance of asteya. Practicing non-stealing purifies the mind and actions, creating a positive karmic cycle that attracts abundance. It underscores the belief that integrity and ethical behavior lead to spiritual and material prosperity.
Modern Interpretation
In modern contexts, this sutra is often understood as a principle of personal and professional ethics. Practitioners are encouraged to foster respect for others’ property and efforts, leading to a more trustworthy and harmonious environment. This ethical behavior is seen as a foundation for attracting success and positive relationships in all areas of life.
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