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Asanas & Insights 🔅 Information Hub
Database of over 100 Yoga poses + Yoga Class Library + History & Philosophy
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Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 🔆 Vedas 🔆 Upanishads 🔅 Premium Content
Mindfulness and Breath:
Mostly audio, guided meditations and pranayama. Love for the nervous system.

Journey to Inner Peace: A Holistic Approach to Relaxation and Balance
Jai Salsbery | E-RYT 500
Finding Serenity: A Guided Meditation for Deep Sleep
Jai Salsbery | E-RYT 500Finding Serenity: A Guided Meditation for Deep Sleep 20 minute guided meditation followed by 60…

Mindfulness and Breath Volume #7 Disarming the Nervous System
Jai Salsbery | E-RYT 500Mindfulness and Breath #7 Disarming the Nervous System In our modern world, it’s easy to…
Sun Salutation A:

Yoga Quickies:
Geared toward efficiency, these 15-30 minute workouts are sure to fit into even the busiest of days.

Yoga Quickie Episode #32
Jai Salsbery | E-RYT 500Yoga Quickie Episode #32 Grounding, Breath Awareness, and Advanced Arm Balances Join us for a…

Yoga Quickie Episode #31
Jai Salsbery | E-RYT 500Yoga Quickie Episode #31 A 15-Minute Yoga Quickie There are many ways to continue your…

Yoga Quickie Episode #30
Jai Salsbery | E-RYT 500Yoga Quickie Episode #30 A 13-Minute Yoga Quickie There are many ways to continue your…

Sun Salutation B:

Feature Length Classes:
No hurry here, whether its “buckle up” or “Melt in” that you are looking for, you’ll find it here. Many classes are a lovely balance of of both ‘fabulous fire’ and ‘righteous relaxation’. Mute the phone, lock the door and tell the family you have a headache. Let the YOU time begin.

Yoga Journeys Episode 2: YIN Meditation and a nap
Jai Salsbery | E-RYT 500Welcome to ‘Yoga Journeys’ by Vallarta Breeze Yoga! 🌟 Episode 2: YIN, Meditation, And a…

Episode 1: Embrace the Backbend
Jai Salsbery | E-RYT 500Welcome to ‘Yoga Journeys’ by Vallarta Breeze Yoga! 🌟 Episode 1: Embrace the Backbend 🌟 …

Sun Salutation C:

Curated Content
This category contains curated content from youtube and other freely sharable sources. We aren’t the producers of this content, but we feel it is valuable enough to suggest for you, our community of truth seekers 🙏

Audio Book | You Are Not So Smart by David McRaney
Jai Salsbery | E-RYT 500https://youtu.be/6Xq-yydotB0?si=_0jQFM66JsXYWhWH You Are Not So Smart by David McRaney is all about those sneaky mental…

Buddhist Philosophy and Meditation with Gelong Thubten
Jai Salsbery | E-RYT 500https://youtu.be/p-Khk_ONppM?si=MqgQv_5MDfFG7Cst Delving into Buddhist Philosophy and meditation with Gelong Thubten on “Begin Again” In a…

Is yoga even good for you? | What yoga does to your body and brain – Krishna Sudhir
Jai Salsbery | E-RYT 500https://youtu.be/_8kV4FHSdNA?si=IarJh_it8XgfjcJa What yoga does to your body and brain | Krishna Sudhir In the TED-Ed…

Practice Guides:

Wide-Seated Forward Bend (Upavistha Konasana)
Jai Salsbery | E-RYT 500Wide-Seated Forward Bend (Upavistha Konasana) aka Pancake Interesting Fact: Wide-Seated Forward Bend, Upavistha Konasana, or…

Wide-Legged Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana)
Jai Salsbery | E-RYT 500Wide-Legged Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana) Interesting Fact: Wide-Legged Forward Bend, or Prasarita Padottanasana, is a…

Half Lord of the Fishes Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana)
Jai Salsbery | E-RYT 500Half Lord of the Fishes Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana) Interesting Fact: Half Lord of the Fishes…

Eight Angle Pose (Astavakrasana)
Jai Salsbery | E-RYT 500Eight Angle Pose (Astavakrasana) Interesting Facts Eight Angle Pose, or Astavakrasana, is named after the…

Crow Pose (Kakasana)
Jai Salsbery | E-RYT 500Crow Pose (Kakasana) Interesting Fact Crow Pose (Kakasana), is one of the first arm balances…