
This category is heavy in nature. Information rich and often historical or philosophical

Warrior III Pose (Virabhadrasana III)

Warrior III Pose (Virabhadrasana III) Interesting Fact: Warrior III Pose, or Virabhadrasana III, is named after the fierce warrior Virabhadra, an incarnation of Lord Shiva. This pose symbolizes the strength, focus, and determination of a warrior, embodying both physical and mental resilience. Benefits of Warrior III Pose Physical Benefits: Strengthens: Legs, ankles, shoulders, and back. […]

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Education Poses Yoga

Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

Tree Pose (Vrikshasana) Interesting Fact: Tree Pose, or Vrikshasana, is one of the few standing poses in yoga where you keep your eyes open to maintain balance. This pose mimics the steady and grounded nature of a tree, symbolizing growth and stability. Benefits of Tree Pose Physical Benefits: Enhances: Balance, focus, memory, and concentration. Strengthens:

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Education Poses Yoga

Thunderbolt Pose (Vajrasana)

Thunderbolt Pose (Vajrasana) Interesting Fact: Thunderbolt Pose, or Vajrasana, is named after the Sanskrit word “vajra,” meaning thunderbolt or diamond. This pose is often used for meditation and pranayama practices due to its grounding and stabilizing effects. Benefits of Thunderbolt Pose Physical Benefits: Improves: Digestion by enhancing blood circulation in the lower abdomen. Strengthens: The

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Education Poses Yoga

Three-Legged Plank Pose (Eka Pada Phalakasana)

Three-Legged Plank Pose (Eka Pada Phalakasana) Interesting Fact: The Three-Legged Plank Pose, or Eka Pada Phalakasana, is a dynamic variation of the traditional Plank Pose. This pose not only enhances core strength but also challenges balance and coordination, making it a powerful addition to any yoga practice. Benefits of Three-Legged Plank Pose Physical Benefits: Strengthens:

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Three-Legged Forward Bend (Eka Pada Uttanasana)

Three-Legged Forward Bend (Eka Pada Uttanasana) Interesting Fact: The Three-Legged Forward Bend, or Eka Pada Uttanasana, is a unique variation of the traditional Forward Bend pose. This pose not only enhances flexibility but also challenges balance and coordination, making it a favorite among yoga practitioners looking to deepen their practice. Benefits of Three-Legged Forward Bend

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Education Poses Yoga

Three-Legged Downward Dog (Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana)Template

Three-Legged Downward Dog (Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana) Interesting Fact: Three-Legged Downward Dog, or Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana, is a dynamic variation of the classic Downward Dog pose. This pose not only enhances balance and stability but also adds an element of challenge and fun to your practice. Benefits of Three-Legged Downward Dog Physical

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Education Poses Yoga

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose)

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose) Interesting Fact Supta Baddha Konasana, or Reclining Bound Angle Pose, is often referred to as the “Goddess Pose” due to its deeply restorative and nurturing qualities. This pose is frequently used in restorative yoga practices to promote relaxation and stress relief. Benefits Physical Benefits: Stretches the groins, inner

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Education Poses Yoga

Standing Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana)

Standing Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana) Interesting Fact: Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana, or Standing Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose, is a classic balancing posture in yoga. It is known for its ability to enhance concentration and focus, making it a favorite among practitioners looking to improve their mental clarity. Benefits of Standing Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose Contraindications Practice Guide Dristi (Gaze):

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Education Poses Yoga

Staff Pose (Dandasana)

Staff Pose (Dandasana) Interesting Fact: Staff Pose, or Dandasana, is often considered the foundation of all seated poses in yoga. It is named after the Sanskrit word “Danda,” meaning “staff,” symbolizing the spine’s strength and support. Benefits of Staff Pose Physical Benefits: Energetic Benefits: Contraindications Practice Guide Dristi (Gaze): Focus on a point straight ahead

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Education Poses Yoga

Sleeping Vishnu Pose (Anantasana)

Sleeping Vishnu Pose (Anantasana) Interesting Fact: The name “Anantasana” is derived from the Sanskrit words “Ananta” meaning infinite or endless, and “asana” meaning posture. This pose symbolizes Lord Vishnu resting on the thousand-headed serpent, Sheshanaga, at the bottom of the primordial ocean. Benefits of Sleeping Vishnu Pose Contraindications Detailed Guide to the Pose Dristi (Gaze):

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Education Poses Yoga

Shoulder-Pressing Pose (Bhujapidasana)

Shoulder-Pressing Pose (Bhujapidasana) Interesting Fact: Shoulder-Pressing Pose, known as Bhujapidasana in Sanskrit, is derived from the words “Bhuja” meaning arm or shoulder, and “Pida” meaning pressure. This arm balance pose is a testament to the strength and flexibility of the practitioner. Benefits of Shoulder-Pressing Pose Physical Benefits: Energetic Benefits: Contraindications Avoid Shoulder-Pressing Pose if you

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Education Poses Yoga

Scale Pose (Tolasana)

Scale Pose (Tolasana) Interesting Fact Tolasana, or Scale Pose, is a powerful arm-balancing pose that requires strength and focus. Named after the shape of a balancing scale, this pose symbolizes equilibrium of mind and body. Benefits Contraindications Practice Guide Performing Tolasana Exiting the Pose Counter Poses Pro Tips

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Education Poses Yoga

Revolved Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pose (Parivrtta Prasarita Padottanasana)

Revolved Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pose (Parivrtta Prasarita Padottanasana) Interesting Fact Parivrtta Prasarita Padottanasana, also known as Revolved Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pose, is often referred to as the “Windmill Pose” due to the arm movements that resemble the blades of a windmill. This pose is a powerful combination of forward bending and twisting, offering a unique

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Education Poses Yoga
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