Yoga Sutra 2.55:

Tataḥ Paramā Vaśyatendriyāṇām


Yoga Sutra 2.55 states: “Tataḥ paramā vaśyatendriyāṇām.” This sutra explains that from the practice of pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), the practitioner achieves the highest mastery over the senses.



  • Translation: From that or then.
  • Meaning: Tataḥ signifies the result or consequence arising from the practice of pratyahara.


  • Translation: Supreme or highest.
  • Meaning: Paramā denotes the highest or utmost level of something.


  • Translation: Mastery or control.
  • Meaning: Vaśyatā refers to the ability to control or master.


  • Translation: Of the senses.
  • Meaning: Indriyāṇām refers to the senses, which include sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch.

Significance of the Sutra

Yoga Sutra 2.55 highlights the ultimate goal of pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses). By practicing pratyahara, the practitioner can achieve supreme mastery over the senses, allowing them to control their sensory inputs and maintain inner calm despite external stimuli. This mastery is essential for progressing to deeper states of meditation and spiritual development.

Common Interpretations

Traditional Interpretation

In traditional yoga teachings, this sutra is interpreted as emphasizing the importance of pratyahara in achieving control over the senses. Practitioners are encouraged to withdraw their senses from external distractions and cultivate inner focus. This approach highlights the role of pratyahara in preparing the mind for higher states of meditation and spiritual growth.

Modern Interpretation

In modern contexts, this sutra is often understood as a principle of mindfulness and sensory regulation. Practitioners are encouraged to develop awareness of their sensory experiences and learn to control their responses to external stimuli. This practice helps to reduce stress, improve focus, and promote a sense of inner peace. This interpretation emphasizes the practical benefits of pratyahara in enhancing mental and emotional well-being.

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