Yoga Sutra 2.48:

Tato Dvandva Anabhighatah


Yoga Sutra 2.48 states: “Tato dvandva anabhighatah.” This sutra explains that from the practice of asana (posture), one is no longer disturbed by dualities (dvandva).



  • Translation: Then or from that.
  • Meaning: Tato signifies a consequence or result arising from a practice. In this context, it refers to the outcome of practicing asanas.


  • Translation: Dualities.
  • Meaning: Dvandva refers to opposites or dualities such as hot and cold, pleasure and pain, success and failure. These dualities often cause mental and physical disturbances.


  • Translation: Freedom from disturbance.
  • Meaning: Anabhighatah signifies a state of being undisturbed or unaffected. It implies maintaining inner peace and balance despite external fluctuations.

Significance of the Sutra

Yoga Sutra 2.48 highlights the impact of asana practice in achieving mental and physical equilibrium. By practicing postures, one develops stability and comfort, which lead to a state of being undisturbed by the dualities of life. This sutra underscores the importance of physical practice in cultivating inner peace and resilience, allowing practitioners to remain balanced and composed in the face of life’s challenges.

Common Interpretations

Traditional Interpretation

In traditional yoga teachings, this sutra is interpreted as emphasizing the role of asana in preparing the mind and body for deeper states of meditation. Practicing asanas helps to create physical and mental steadiness, reducing the impact of external disturbances and dualities. This approach highlights the spiritual and meditative benefits of maintaining a steady and comfortable posture.

Modern Interpretation

In modern contexts, this sutra is often understood as a principle of developing resilience and mindfulness through physical practice. Practitioners are encouraged to use their yoga practice as a way to cultivate mental and emotional stability, allowing them to navigate life’s ups and downs with greater ease. This interpretation emphasizes the practical benefits of asana in promoting overall well-being and stress management.

Yoga Sutra 2.48 provides valuable insight into the practice of asanas. Whether approached through traditional or modern lenses, its teachings underscore the importance of physical practice in achieving a balanced and undisturbed state of mind, despite the dualities of life.

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