Yoga Sutra 2.46:
Sthira Sukham Asanam
Yoga Sutra 2.46 states: “Sthira sukham asanam.” This sutra explains that an asana (posture) should be steady (sthira) and comfortable (sukham).
- Translation: Steady or stable.
- Meaning: Sthira signifies stability and steadiness in a posture. It involves maintaining a firm and balanced position without excessive effort or tension.
- Translation: Comfortable or easeful.
- Meaning: Sukham refers to comfort and ease. In the context of asana, it means that the posture should be maintained without strain or discomfort, allowing the practitioner to remain relaxed and at ease.
- Translation: Posture.
- Meaning: Asanam refers to the physical postures practiced in yoga. These postures are designed to prepare the body for meditation and spiritual practice.
Significance of the Sutra
Yoga Sutra 2.46 highlights the dual qualities of steadiness (sthira) and comfort (sukham) in the practice of asanas. The sutra emphasizes that a yoga posture should be both stable and comfortable, allowing the practitioner to maintain the position without strain or discomfort. This balance between steadiness and ease is essential for achieving a state of inner peace and concentration during yoga practice.
Common Interpretations
Traditional Interpretation
In traditional yoga teachings, this sutra is interpreted as a guideline for achieving the optimal state of a yoga posture. Practitioners are encouraged to find a balance between effort and relaxation, ensuring that the posture is steady and comfortable. This approach helps to prepare the body for meditation and allows for a deeper connection with the breath and mind.
Modern Interpretation
In modern contexts, this sutra is often understood as a principle of mindful movement and body awareness. Practitioners are encouraged to listen to their bodies and find a balance between stability and ease in their postures. By doing so, they can enhance their physical and mental well-being, reducing the risk of injury and promoting a more sustainable yoga practice.
Yoga Sutra 2.46 provides valuable insight into the practice of asanas. Whether approached through traditional or modern lenses, its teachings underscore the importance of finding a balance between steadiness and comfort in yoga postures to achieve a harmonious and effective practice.
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