Yoga Sutra 2.41:

Sattvaśuddhisaumanasyai-kāgryendriyajayātmadarśanayogyatvāni ca


Yoga Sutra 2.41 states: “Sattvaśuddhisaumanasyai-kāgryendriyajayātmadarśanayogyatvāni ca.” This sutra explains that through the cultivation of purity (sattvaśuddhi), one achieves cheerfulness (saumanasya), one-pointedness of mind (ekāgrya), mastery over the senses (indriyajaya), and fitness for self-realization (ātmadarśana).



  • Translation: Purity of mind.
  • Meaning: Sattvaśuddhi refers to the purification of the mind and consciousness. This involves clearing away mental impurities and fostering a state of inner clarity and peace.


  • Translation: Cheerfulness.
  • Meaning: Saumanasya signifies a state of cheerfulness, happiness, and positive mental disposition. It is the natural outcome of a purified mind.


  • Translation: One-pointedness.
  • Meaning: Ekāgrya refers to the ability to focus the mind on a single point or object. It is a state of deep concentration and mental discipline.


  • Translation: Mastery over the senses.
  • Meaning: Indriyajaya signifies control and mastery over the senses. It involves the ability to regulate sensory inputs and maintain inner calm despite external stimuli.


  • Translation: Self-realization.
  • Meaning: Ātmadarśana refers to the realization of the true self or soul. It is the ultimate goal of yoga, leading to spiritual enlightenment and liberation.


  • Translation: Fitness or suitability.
  • Meaning: Yogyatvāni denotes being fit or suitable for something. In this context, it refers to being prepared for self-realization through the practices described.

Significance of the Sutra

Yoga Sutra 2.41 emphasizes the transformative effects of cultivating purity of mind (sattvaśuddhi). By purifying the mind, practitioners can achieve a state of cheerfulness, mental focus, and mastery over the senses. These qualities prepare them for the ultimate goal of self-realization. This sutra highlights the importance of mental and sensory discipline in the journey toward spiritual enlightenment.

Common Interpretations

Traditional Interpretation

In traditional yoga teachings, this sutra is interpreted as outlining the benefits of purity in achieving spiritual progress. Practicing mental and sensory purification leads to a joyful and focused state of mind, paving the way for self-realization. This approach emphasizes the interconnectedness of purity, cheerfulness, concentration, sensory control, and spiritual fitness.

Modern Interpretation

In modern contexts, this sutra is often understood as highlighting the practical benefits of mental and sensory discipline. Practitioners are encouraged to cultivate a positive mindset, focus, and self-control to enhance their overall well-being and effectiveness in daily life. This approach emphasizes the holistic benefits of purity and discipline in achieving personal and spiritual growth.

Yoga Sutra 2.41 provides valuable insight into the practice of mental and sensory purification. Whether approached through traditional or modern lenses, its teachings underscore the importance of cultivating purity, cheerfulness, focus, and sensory control in preparing for self-realization and achieving a balanced and harmonious life.

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