Yoga Sutra 2.36: Satyapratisthayam Kriyaphalasrayatvam

Yoga Sutra 2.36:

Satyapratisthayam Kriyaphalasrayatvam


Yoga Sutra 2.36 states: “Satyapratisthayam kriyaphalasrayatvam.” This sutra explains that when a person is firmly established in truthfulness (satya), their actions and their results become aligned with the truth.



  • Translation: Truthfulness.
  • Meaning: Satya refers to the practice of being truthful in thoughts, words, and actions. It involves honesty, integrity, and authenticity.


  • Translation: Firmly established.
  • Meaning: Pratishthayam means being deeply rooted or unwavering in a particular practice or principle. In this context, it refers to being firmly established in the practice of truthfulness.


  • Translation: Actions and their results.
  • Meaning: Kriyaphala signifies the relationship between actions (kriya) and their outcomes or results (phala). It emphasizes the cause-and-effect nature of actions.


  • Translation: Alignment or dependence.
  • Meaning: Asrayatvam indicates that actions and their results are aligned or dependent on the practice of truthfulness.

Significance of the Sutra

Yoga Sutra 2.36 highlights the power of truthfulness (satya) in aligning one’s actions with their desired outcomes. When a person is firmly established in truthfulness, their actions become more effective and their results more consistent with their intentions. This sutra underscores the importance of honesty and integrity in achieving success and harmony in life.

Common Interpretations

Traditional Interpretation

In traditional yoga teachings, this sutra is seen as emphasizing the moral and ethical foundation of truthfulness. Practicing satya is believed to purify the mind and actions, leading to positive outcomes and reducing the discrepancies between intention and result. This approach highlights the spiritual benefits of living a truthful life.

Modern Interpretation

In modern contexts, this sutra is often understood as a principle of personal and professional integrity. Practitioners are encouraged to embrace honesty in their relationships, work, and daily interactions. By doing so, they can build trust and credibility, leading to more successful and fulfilling outcomes. This interpretation emphasizes the practical benefits of truthfulness in everyday life.

Yoga Sutra 2.36 provides valuable insight into the importance of truthfulness. Whether approached through traditional or modern lenses, its teachings underscore the significance of living with honesty and integrity to create positive and harmonious outcomes.

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