Yoga Sutra 2.27: Tasya Saptadha Pranta-Bhumih Prajna

Yoga Sutra 2.27:

Tasya Saptadha Pranta-Bhumih Prajna


Yoga Sutra 2.27 states: “Tasya saptadha pranta-bhumih prajna.” This sutra explains that for the one who has attained discrimination (tasya), wisdom (prajna) appears in seven stages (saptadha pranta-bhumih).



Translation: For the one who.

Meaning: Tasya refers to the individual who has attained clear discernment or discrimination between the seer (pure consciousness) and the seen (the external world).


Translation: In seven ways or stages.

Meaning: Saptadha signifies that the wisdom (prajna) unfolds in seven distinct stages or phases.


Translation: Final stages or frontiers.

Meaning: Pranta-Bhumih refers to the advanced or ultimate stages of wisdom or realization that one reaches through persistent practice and clear discernment.


Translation: Wisdom or insight.

Meaning: Prajna indicates the deep wisdom or insight that arises from clear discernment and understanding of the true nature of the self and the external world.

Significance of the Sutra

Yoga Sutra 2.27 highlights the progressive nature of wisdom for the one who has attained clear discernment. It emphasizes that wisdom unfolds in seven stages, each representing a deeper level of understanding and realization. This sutra underscores the importance of persistent practice and discrimination in achieving advanced stages of wisdom and self-realization.

Common Interpretations

Traditional Interpretation

In traditional yoga teachings, this sutra is often interpreted as outlining the progressive stages of wisdom that a practitioner attains through persistent practice and clear discernment. The seven stages of wisdom are seen as milestones on the path to self-realization and enlightenment. Practitioners are encouraged to remain dedicated to their practice and cultivate discrimination to achieve these advanced stages of wisdom.

Modern Interpretation

In modern contexts, practitioners often interpret this sutra as highlighting the gradual nature of personal growth and self-awareness. The seven stages of wisdom represent different phases of understanding and insight that individuals experience as they deepen their practice and awareness. By recognizing and embracing these stages, individuals can appreciate their progress and remain motivated on their journey towards self-realization.

Yoga Sutra 2.27 provides profound insight into the progressive nature of wisdom and the importance of clear discernment on the path to self-realization. Whether approached through traditional or modern lenses, its teachings offer valuable guidance for understanding the stages of wisdom and the role of persistent practice in achieving advanced levels of insight and understanding.

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