Yoga Sutra 2.26:
Viveka-Khyatir Aviplava Hanopayah
Yoga Sutra 2.26 states: “Viveka-khyatir aviplava hanopayah.” This sutra explains that the means (upayah) of eliminating (hana) ignorance (avidya) is the unwavering (aviplava) discernment (viveka-khyati) between the seer (purusha) and the seen (prakriti).
Translation: Discernment or discrimination.
Meaning: Viveka-Khyati refers to the clear and unwavering discernment between the seer (pure consciousness) and the seen (the external world). It is the ability to distinguish the true nature of the self from the modifications of the mind and external phenomena.
Translation: Unwavering or uninterrupted.
Meaning: Aviplava signifies constancy and unwavering nature. It emphasizes that the discernment (viveka-khyati) must be continuous and unbroken to effectively eliminate ignorance.
Translation: Elimination or removal.
Meaning: Hana indicates the process of eliminating or removing something. In this context, it refers to the elimination of ignorance (avidya).
Translation: Means or method.
Meaning: Upayah signifies the means or method through which something is achieved. Here, it refers to the method of using unwavering discernment to eliminate ignorance.
Significance of the Sutra
Yoga Sutra 2.26 emphasizes that the means to eliminate ignorance is through unwavering discernment between the seer and the seen. This continuous and unbroken discernment allows practitioners to clearly distinguish their true nature (pure consciousness) from the modifications of the mind and external phenomena. By developing and maintaining this discernment, individuals can overcome ignorance and realize their true nature.
Common Interpretations
Traditional Interpretation
In traditional yoga teachings, this sutra is often interpreted as highlighting the importance of discernment on the path to enlightenment. Practitioners are encouraged to cultivate a clear and unwavering understanding of the distinction between the seer and the seen. This discernment is achieved through consistent practice of meditation, self-inquiry, and study of the scriptures. By maintaining this discernment, practitioners can eliminate ignorance and achieve self-realization.
Modern Interpretation
In modern contexts, practitioners often interpret this sutra as a call to mindfulness and self-awareness. Discernment is understood as the ability to see things as they truly are, free from the distortions of ignorance. By developing mindfulness and maintaining an unbroken awareness of the true nature of the self, individuals can overcome misconceptions and achieve a state of inner clarity and peace. This continuous discernment helps individuals navigate life with greater wisdom and understanding.
Yoga Sutra 2.26 provides profound insight into the means of overcoming ignorance and achieving self-realization. Whether approached through traditional or modern lenses, its teachings offer valuable guidance for developing unwavering discernment and understanding the true nature of the self.
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