Yoga Sutra 2.25: Tadabhavat Samyogabhavo Hanam Tadrisheh Kaivalyam

Yoga Sutra 2.25:

Tadabhavat Samyogabhavo Hanam Tadrisheh Kaivalyam


Yoga Sutra 2.25 states: “Tadabhavat samyogabhavo hanam tadrisheh kaivalyam.” This sutra explains that the absence (abhavat) of ignorance (avidya) results in the dissolution (abhavo) of the union (samyoga) between the seer (purusha) and the seen (prakriti), leading to liberation (kaivalyam).



Translation: In the absence of that.

Meaning: Tadabhavat refers to the absence or removal of ignorance (avidya), the root cause of misidentification between the seer and the seen.


Translation: The absence of union.

Meaning: Samyogabhavo signifies the dissolution or absence of the union (samyoga) between the seer and the seen.


Translation: Dissolution or cessation.

Meaning: Hanam indicates the ending or dissolution of the union between the seer and the seen.


Translation: In the case of one who sees.

Meaning: Tadrisheh refers to the enlightened individual who perceives the true nature of reality.


Translation: Liberation or isolation.

Meaning: Kaivalyam signifies the state of ultimate liberation, where the seer is free from all entanglements with the seen, experiencing pure consciousness.

Significance of the Sutra

Yoga Sutra 2.25 highlights the path to liberation through the dissolution of ignorance. It emphasizes that when ignorance is removed, the misidentification between the seer and the seen ceases, leading to a state of liberation (kaivalyam). This sutra underscores the importance of overcoming ignorance to achieve true freedom and self-realization.

Common Interpretations

Traditional Interpretation

In traditional yoga teachings, this sutra is often interpreted as highlighting the ultimate goal of yoga—liberation. The dissolution of ignorance leads to the cessation of the union between the seer and the seen, allowing the seer to experience pure consciousness and freedom. Practitioners are encouraged to cultivate wisdom and discernment through meditation, self-inquiry, and study of the scriptures to overcome ignorance and attain liberation.

Modern Interpretation

In modern contexts, practitioners often interpret this sutra as a call to mindfulness and self-awareness. By recognizing and dissolving ignorance, individuals can free themselves from the misconceptions and false beliefs that cloud their perception of reality. This process leads to a state of inner freedom and clarity, allowing individuals to live in harmony with their true nature.

Yoga Sutra 2.25 provides profound insight into the path to liberation and the role of ignorance in perpetuating the misidentification between the seer and the seen. Whether approached through traditional or modern lenses, its teachings offer valuable guidance for understanding the process of overcoming ignorance and achieving true liberation.

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