Yoga Sutra 2.19
Visheshavishesha lingamatralingani gunaparvani
Yoga Sutra 2.19 states: “Visheshavishesha lingamatralingani gunaparvani.” This sutra explains that the stages of the gunas (qualities) are specific (vishesha), non-specific (avishesha), marked (linga), and unmarked (alinga).
Translation: Specific.
Meaning: Vishesha refers to the distinct, particular manifestations of the gunas (qualities). These are the tangible, perceivable aspects of the material world that can be clearly identified and categorized.
Translation: Non-specific.
Meaning: Avishesha denotes the more subtle, generalized aspects of the gunas that are not as easily distinguished. These are the underlying qualities that are not immediately apparent but still influence the material world.
Translation: Marked or characterized.
Meaning: Linga signifies the observable characteristics or signs that indicate the presence of the gunas. These are the identifiable features that can be perceived through the senses.
Translation: Unmarked or uncharacterized.
Meaning: Alinga refers to the subtle, unmanifested aspects of the gunas that do not have distinct, observable characteristics. These are the latent qualities that exist in a potential state and are not immediately perceivable.
Translation: Stages of the gunas.
Meaning: Gunaparvani indicates the different stages or levels of manifestation of the gunas (qualities). These stages range from the most tangible and specific to the most subtle and unmanifested.
Significance of the Sutra
Yoga Sutra 2.19 is significant as it provides a detailed understanding of the different stages of the gunas (qualities) that make up the material world. By recognizing the specific, non-specific, marked, and unmarked stages of the gunas, practitioners can gain deeper insight into the nature of reality. This sutra emphasizes the importance of understanding the varying levels of manifestation of the gunas to achieve greater clarity and discernment in one’s spiritual journey.
Common Interpretations
Traditional Interpretation
In traditional yoga teachings, this sutra is seen as a guide for understanding the intricate workings of the gunas (qualities) and their influence on the material world. Practitioners are encouraged to develop discernment (viveka) to recognize the different stages of the gunas and how they impact their experiences and actions. The emphasis is on cultivating self-awareness and knowledge to transcend the influence of the gunas and achieve spiritual liberation.
Modern Interpretation
In modern contexts, practitioners often interpret this sutra as a framework for understanding the various levels of perception and reality. The concept of the gunas can be seen as a reflection of the different aspects of human experience, from the most tangible to the most subtle. By developing mindfulness and self-awareness, individuals can navigate the complexities of life with greater clarity and purpose. The focus is on recognizing the influence of the gunas and working towards a state of inner balance and harmony.
Yoga Sutra 2.19 provides a profound insight into the nature of the gunas and their stages of manifestation. Whether approached through traditional or modern lenses, its teachings offer valuable guidance for understanding the material world and achieving a state of inner freedom and spiritual growth.
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