Wild Thing (Camatkarasana)

Interesting Fact: Wild Thing, or Camatkarasana, is often referred to as “the ecstatic unfolding of the enraptured heart” due to its heart-opening and liberating nature.

Benefits of Wild Thing

Physical Benefits:

  • Strengthens: Upper body, shoulders, and back muscles.

  • Stretches: Chest, hip flexors, and front body.

  • Improves: Flexibility and range of motion in the spine and shoulders.

  • Boosts: Mood and energy levels.

Energetic Benefits:

  • Opens: The heart chakra (Anahata), promoting love and compassion.

  • Stimulates: The throat chakra (Vishuddha), enhancing communication and expression.


  • Avoid if you have carpal tunnel syndrome, wrist, elbow, shoulder, or back injuries.
  • Not recommended for individuals with high blood pressure or heart conditions.
  • Practice with caution if you have neck injuries or low back pain.

Practice Guide

Dristi (Gaze): Focus on the extended hand or towards the sky to maintain balance and openness.

Bandhas (Energy Locks):

  • Mula Bandha: Engage the pelvic floor muscles to stabilize the pose.
  • Uddiyana Bandha: Lightly engage the lower abdomen to support the spine.

Mudras (Hand Gestures):

  • Hasta Mudra: The extended hand can be in Gyan Mudra (thumb and index finger touching) to enhance focus and energy flow.

Steps to Perform the Pose:


  • Begin in Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana).
  • Ensure your hands are shoulder-width apart and feet are hip-width apart.

Entering the Pose:

  • Shift into Side Plank (Vasisthasana) on your right side.
  • Lift your left leg and step it behind you, placing the ball of your foot on the floor.
  • Rotate your chest upwards and extend your left arm over your head.

Deepening the Pose:

  • Press firmly into your right hand and right foot.
  • Lift your hips high, creating a backbend.
  • Allow your head to gently drop back, opening your throat and chest.

Maintaining the Pose:

  • Hold the pose for 5-10 breaths, maintaining steady and deep breathing.
  • Keep your core engaged and your body light.

Exiting the Pose:

  • Slowly bring your left hand back to the floor.
  • Rotate your body back into Downward-Facing Dog.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Counter Pose:

  • Child’s Pose (Balasana): Helps to release any tension in the back and shoulders.

Pro Tips:

  • Warm up your wrists, shoulders, and spine before attempting Wild Thing.
  • Use a yoga block under your supporting hand if you need extra stability.
  • Keep your movements fluid and graceful to prevent strain.

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