Standing Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana)

Interesting Fact: Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana, or Standing Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose, is a classic balancing posture in yoga. It is known for its ability to enhance concentration and focus, making it a favorite among practitioners looking to improve their mental clarity.

Benefits of Standing Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose

  • Physical Benefits:
    • Strengthens: Legs, ankles, and core muscles.
    • Stretches: Hamstrings, calves, and lower back.
    • Improves: Balance, posture, and body awareness.
  • Energetic Benefits:
    • Energizes the Body: By stimulating the nervous system.
    • Balances Root Chakra: Enhances stability and grounding.


  • Avoid if you have recent or chronic injuries to the ankles, knees, or lower back.
  • Not recommended for those with high blood pressure or severe balance issues.
  • Approach with caution if you have tight hamstrings or hip problems.

Practice Guide

Dristi (Gaze): Focus on a fixed point at eye level to maintain balance.

Bandhas (Energy Locks):

  • Mula Bandha: Engage the pelvic floor muscles to stabilize the pose.
  • Uddiyana Bandha: Slightly engage the lower abdomen to support the spine.

Mudras (Hand Gestures):

  • Hasta Mudra: Use the index and middle fingers to grasp the big toe of the extended leg.

Steps to Perform the Pose:

  1. Preparation:
    • Begin in Mountain Pose (Tadasana) with your feet together and arms at your sides.
    • Ground down through your standing foot and engage your thigh muscles.
  2. Entering the Pose:
    • Shift your weight to your left foot and draw your right knee up toward your chest.Loop your right index and middle fingers around your right big toe.
    • Place your left hand on your left hip for stability.
  3. Extending the Leg:
    • Inhale and extend your right leg forward, straightening it as much as possible.Keep both hips squared forward and maintain a straight spine.
    • Drop your right hip slightly to align it with your left hip.
  4. Maintaining the Pose:
    • Hold the pose for 5-20 breaths, keeping your gaze steady and your breath even.
    • Ensure your shoulders are relaxed and your spine is lengthened.
  5. Exiting the Pose:
    • Exhale and bend your right knee, drawing it back into your chest.Slowly lower your right foot to the floor and return to Mountain Pose.
    • Repeat on the opposite side for the same duration.

Counter Pose:

  • Tadasana (Mountain Pose): Helps to realign the spine and balance the body after the intense stretch.

Pro Tips:

  • Use a strap around your foot if you can’t reach your big toe comfortably.
  • Keep a slight bend in your standing knee to avoid hyperextension.
  • Focus on maintaining a long spine rather than forcing the leg to straighten completely.

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