Sleeping Vishnu Pose (Anantasana)

Interesting Fact: The name “Anantasana” is derived from the Sanskrit words “Ananta” meaning infinite or endless, and “asana” meaning posture. This pose symbolizes Lord Vishnu resting on the thousand-headed serpent, Sheshanaga, at the bottom of the primordial ocean.

Benefits of Sleeping Vishnu Pose

  • Physical Benefits:
    • Strengthens: Core, shoulders, neck, pelvic area, and legs.
    • Improves Flexibility: Stretches hamstrings, inner thighs, calves, and hips.
    • Enhances Balance: Develops stability and coordination.
    • Spinal Health: Increases spinal flexibility and strength.
    • Relieves Stress: Promotes relaxation and reduces stress.
  • Energetic Benefits:
    • Stimulates Muladhara Chakra: Helps in grounding and balancing.
    • Enhances Circulation: Improves blood flow to kidneys, liver, and uterus.


  • Avoid if you have injuries or pain in the neck, shoulders, hips, knees, or lower back.
  • Not recommended for those with recent surgeries or severe injuries in the core, neck, or shoulders.
  • Avoid during pregnancy, migraines, or if you have a slipped disc.

Detailed Guide to the Pose

Dristi (Gaze): Focus on a point straight ahead or slightly upward to maintain balance.

Bandhas (Energy Locks):

  • Mula Bandha: Engage the pelvic floor muscles to stabilize the pose.
  • Uddiyana Bandha: Slightly engage the lower abdomen to support the spine.

Mudras (Hand Gestures):

  • Jnana Mudra: Touch the tip of the thumb to the tip of the index finger on the extended arm for enhanced focus and balance.

Steps to Perform the Pose:

  1. Preparation:
    • Begin by lying on your right side, aligning your body in a straight line.
    • Extend your right arm along the floor and rest your head on your right palm.
  2. Entering the Pose:
    • Bend your left knee and grasp your left big toe with your left hand.Slowly extend your left leg upwards, keeping it straight.
    • Ensure your right leg remains straight and aligned with your torso.
  3. Maintaining the Pose:
    • Keep your body balanced on your right side.Engage your core and maintain a steady breath.
    • Hold the pose for 5-10 breaths, focusing on your dristi.
  4. Exiting the Pose:
    • Gently lower your left leg and release your left big toe.
    • Roll onto your back and relax for a few breaths before switching sides.

Counter Pose:

  • Balasana (Child’s Pose): Helps to relax the spine and release any tension from the side stretch.

Pro Tips:

  • Engage your core muscles throughout the pose to prevent collapsing into the floor.
  • Use a wall for support if you find it challenging to balance.
  • Keep your gaze steady to maintain balance.

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